CREATING THE LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION: hebrew schools in Palestine before 1948



History, Mathematics Instruction, Palestine, Eretz-Israel, Language, Hebrew


This paper describes the process through which the Hebrew language, formerly only a liturgical language, became the language of mathematical instruction in Hebrew schools. Around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Hebrew was not used in daily life by the Jewish community in Palestine.  With the foundation of Hebrew schools, the lack of Hebrew mathematical vocabulary became apparent and a systematic creation of Hebrew scientific terminology began.  This new terminology enabled the creation of the first Hebrew secondary mathematics textbook.


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Aricha-Metzer, I. (2023). CREATING THE LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION: hebrew schools in Palestine before 1948. Revista De História Da Educação Matemática, 9, 1–23. Recuperado de



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