Mathematics teacher education, Teachers’ disciplinary knowledge, New Math, Teachers’ subcultures, PISAResumo
The histories of official teacher education and school legislation in Iceland coincide with the history of ICMI. Iceland, a marginal country in Northern Europe, may be taken as an example when evolution of societal demands on the profession of the mathematics teacher is submitted to analysis and consideration. The following aspects will be considered: (1) Goals of mathematics teaching and the teachers’ role as perceived by them and others; (2) Mathematics education of teachers, teacher subcultures and didactical divide; and (3) The present situation of education of mathematics teachers. The century will be divided into three periods; the early twentieth century, 1946 to the 1970s, and the present time. Iceland is sparsely populated (70,000 in 1900, 300,000 in 2006) and the number of mathematics teachers is low, so the history is traced by historical anecdotes.
Documentary Sources and Interviews
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Jónsson, J. H. (2003). Former upper-secondary-school mathematics teacher. Interview on May 25.
Lárusson, H. (2002). Head of department, Ministry of Education. Interview on March 26.
Riesto, E. (2007). Primary-school teacher. Interview on September 22.
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