A FIRST MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM: Stevin’s instruction for engineers (1600)
Mathematics for surveyors-engineers, Simon Stevin, 17th century mathematics curriculum, Frans van Schooten Sr, Duytsche MathematiqueResumo
Teaching of mathematics has a history which spans thousands of years, see e.g. Robson, (2009); Siu (2009); Keller (2014). However, texts which contain a plan for the teaching of mathematics, a formal curriculum, are of far more recent date. Volkov (2014) describes prescriptions for the School of Computations in China, which started in 656. The matters mentioned are, among others, the textbooks to be used, the number and grouping of students and the duration of the study. In Europe, medieval universities might have lists of books to be read by the lecturers to the students. The Ratio studiorum of 1599, which provided a curriculum for the system of education by the Jesuits, contained some remarks on mathematics teaching, but only a few and not very detailed (Paradinas Fuentes, 2012).
Primary sources
Regional Archives Leiden. RAL LB 36949 (1600). Copy of Instruction.
University Library of Leiden. Frans van Schooten Sr. (1622). Mathematiche Wercken. BPL 1013.
Other sources
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Stevin, Simon (1585). De Thiende. Leiden: Christoffel Plantijn.
Volkov, Alexei (2014). Mathematics education in East- and Southeast Asia. In Alexander Karp & Gert Schubring (Eds.), Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education (pp. 55-70). New York: Springer.
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